We offer after-school Art Conservatories taught by industry experts.
A well-rounded education in high school is completed when students have choices on how to excel at their interests in a way that prepares them for future success. At CATCH, we offer conservatories that feature high-engagement endeavors in the arts and technology for students to receive expert apprenticeship and practice in multiple times a week after school.
These conservatories are taught by industry experts who are current professionals in their craft and can offer students real-life skills that are current and meaningful. Moreover, because our conservatory directors are working in the crafts in which they instruct, it is common for internships and paid employment opportunities to become available for CATCH students multiple times throughout any particular school year.
Fashion Design, started in 2003, is the longest running conservatory and features everything from conceptualizing a brand to physically sewing original clothes. Digital Media is one of the fastest growing industries in America, and CATCH is proud to be on the forefront of offering students graphic design and video opportunities typically not afforded to high schoolers as after-school learning options. CATCH’s YMCA Youth and Government Council has been traveling and featured across the country debating and advocating for policy solutions that help address critical issues in our three areas of impact: youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Device access for CATCH students puts technology right where it belongs.
We're proud of our 1:2 device access for students at CATCH as it has been transformational as to how teachers teach and students learn each and every day. A digital device in the hands of all students on campus and at home engages them in highly interactive, transformational learning as students need to be producers and evaluators of knowledge in the 21st century, not just consumers. In this digital age, analyzing information is a critical skill. That's why, in CATCH's 1:2 initiative, students regularly have the opportunity to locate, evaluate, and interpret information, as well as collaborate with others to engage in authentic, real-world tasks.
In preparing students to succeed in the future workforce, schools must ensure that students are digitally literate inventive thinkers, successful problem-solvers, creative decision makers, and clear and effective collaborators. Devices enable this in ways students can build skill and expertise upon.
CATCH's 1:2 device initiative is specifically designed to create instructional opportunities that are individualized, differentiated, and personalized. Individualized instruction is paced to the learning needs of different learners. The learning goals remain the same for everyone, but each student can progress through the material at their own pace and according to their individual learning needs. Differentiation refers to research-based instruction that is tailored to the learning preferences and needs of learners. The method or approach of instruction can vary based on what is most appropriate for a single student or group of students. Personalized instruction incorporates both individualized and differentiated instruction, as well as a device that can provide a tailored, student-centered instructional experience. Used alongside a rigorous curriculum with essential standards as the focus, CATCH's 1:2 device initiative simply makes learning more engaging and effective for everyone on campus and beyond.