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Enrollment Information
Please Fill Out Application + Housing Questionnaire
For more information on how to enroll your child at CATCH Prep Charter High School, call us at (323) 293-3917 or fill out the Preliminary Enrollment Information form below and we'll be in touch to set up an appointment.
Or, if you prefer to complete our Long-Form Application (which takes about 10 minutes to submit) you can click the link below and your application will be instantly added to our Enrollment List upon receipt.
Does CATCH Prep Have An Annual School Lottery?
Typically, a charter school will hold an enrollment period when parents can register their children online or in-person. If there is enough room for every interested student, the school does not need to hold a lottery. If a lottery is necessary, however, CATCH will begin its random drawing process according to our charter — randomly selecting applications for enrollment, either, manually or by using a computer program.
Once CATCH has notified the selected students, families have the option to accept or decline the offer. The school will then place students who are not selected on a Waiting List and call them as soon as a space becomes available in that grade level.
4120 11th Avenue
(On The Corner Of 9th & Creed)
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 293-3917
Teaching & Learning @ CATCH Prep